A bark is made of basic chocolate just I used Thandai for a change

Thandai Chocolate Bark

#myrecipe #FoodismSummerBonanza
By Shraddha Shah

Mar, 16th


3 persons
Cook Time
45 minutes
4 - 6


  • 100 GM white chocolate
  • 100 GM Dark Chocolate
  • 2 tspn thandai powder
  • Some chopped cashew, almonds & Pista
  • Parchment paper
  • Red, green yellow pink food color (optional)


  • Firstly chopped the white and dark chocolate separately and add them into a separate bowl and melt them. Take a parchment paper and pour the dark chocolate and spread it evenly then sprinkle some thandai powder and chopped nuts.
  • Refrigerate it for about 5 min once done take it out and on the same pour white chocolate and spread it evenly Then in a plate add any colour of you choice and with help of a brush spray it on the white chocolate.
  • Then sprinkle some thandai powder and nuts and refrigerate it for 5 min. Once done take it out and roughly break the bark.
  • Your Fusion Thadai chocolate bark is ready


You can use any toppings