Semiya cutlet

By Radha Nelanti

Mar, 31st


4 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
6 - 8


  • Vermicilli
  • Potato
  • Bread crumbs
  • Peanut
  • Green chillies
  • Salt
  • Lemon
  • Oil


  • Measure 1/2 Cup of vermicilli and set it aside. Boil 2-3 cups of water and add the vermicilli to the boiling water. Cook it till it becomes soft and tender. Once the vermicilli is cooked, strain the excess water and take the cooked vermicilli in a mixing bowl. Allow it to cool. Once the vermicilli is cooled off, add boiled, peeled and mashed potatoes to the mixing bowl Then add, crushed peanuts to the mixing bowl followed by bread crumbs. Add finely chopped green chillies, salt and lemon juice to the mixing bowl and mix well to make it like a dough. Grease your palm with little oil and take lemon sized balls out of the dough and make cutlets.Make cutlets out of the dough and set it aside. Heat oil in a pan for deep frying. When the oil is hot enough, gently drop 4-5 cutlets in the pan and deep fry them on the both the side till they are golden brown color When the cutlets are crispy and turns golden brown color remove from oil and place it in tissue paper to drain excess oil. Serve hot.