Try this new ice cream recipe which has raw pineapple and fresh cream

Pineapple ice cream with choco chip

By Shalini Mathur

May, 18th


4 persons
Cook Time
45 minutes
6 - 8


  • 3 cup pine apple chunks
  • 1 cup pine apple juice or water
  • 5-6 TBSP SUGAR
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tsp pine apple essence
  • 1 cup chocolate chips


  • Puree the pineapple chunks in a blender until smooth, about 30 seconds. Pour through a fine strainer into a bowl and discard the solids from the sieve. This should be approximately 4 cups of puree.
  • In a heavy bottomed saucepan, bring puree to a boil over medium-high heat Add sugar, Boil it on low heat stirring occasionally, until all the water has evaporated.
  • it gets thicker and thicker. It should yield approximately 1 cup of pineapple paste. transfer ato a chilled bowl. cool at room temperature, then chill in the refrigerator/
  • Whisk the cream in a chilled bowl, beat it with a fork or electric hand mixer vigorously until soft peaks are fromed; it should be airy and fluffy keep the bowl in an ice bath i. e. bigger bowl filled with ice water.
  • Fold the pineapple paste, condensed milk, and pineapple essence gently with the whisked cream. Add the paste lttle by little, then condensed milk and essence.
  • Fold in the chocolate chips. Pour the contents into moulds, preferably in air tight containers with lids; I USED THREE CONTAINERS Freeze for 5-6 hours. i FROZE OVERNIGHT FOR CONVENIENTSAKE
  • Take out the containers, Leave the ice cream to stand for 5 -10 at room temperature minutes before scooping. Dip the scooper in hot water to scoop out the ice cream. Pineapple Ice cream is ready. you may top them with more chocolate chips. Enjoy


Ip. keep every thing, bowls, spatulas, ingredients chilled until you are ready to use. Get juicy fruit. You may use food color if you like. I do not use food colors in my recipes.