ORANGE ? Malai-Rabdi Bowls: Without Condensed Milk ? Nothing more could be such ecstatically delectable as this one ☝️ Do give it a try for sure to share your own experiences with me, without fail- As in, how it turned out to be with you guys...☺️??

Orange malai Rabdi bowls

#myrecipe #sweets
By Anamika Modi

Jun, 13th


4 persons
Cook Time
6 hr
8 - 10


  • 3 Oranges (Scoured out as the Serving Bowl- withou
  • 1/3-1 Cup Orange Juice: Freshly Squeezed
  • 1/3-liter Milk
  • 1 tbsp Orange Rinds or Zests
  • 1/8 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Green Cardamom Powder
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 1/2-1/3 Cup Fine Sugar
  • 1/8-1/4 Cup Dry Fruits (Finely Chopped For Garnish
  • few Saffron Strands


  • Boil the milk until reduced to 1/4th quantity and you will notice that the milk has been thickened quite substantially. This is surely time-consuming and enough patience is required since I’ve not used either any condensed milk or milk powder or any other similar thickening agents- Hence sufficient patience & tenacity are essentially required for the best results.
  • As shown in the pics above: Scour out all the oranges to make its serving platter bowl- Once done, set aside (ensure not to damage its body while scouring else, the entire Malai-Rabdi will ooze out from the same & we’re definitely not looking out for that)
  • Now, with the scoured out pulp, we need to get the maximum juice out of it- Hence, with a masher try to get the sufficient quantity out of the same & set aside for the time being
  • Now, in one oven- if the milk is getting thickened, allow it to cook properly & don’t use the same ladle or spoon- Else, with the citric acid in the oranges- the milk will curdle immediately & we don’t want that to happen for sure.
  • Put the orange juice carefully on one oven- Keep the heat to low-medium & allow it to boil, add in half of the sugar in it while stirring continuously until it’s too, reduced to at least 1/2-1/4 of its total procured quantity- Once done, allow it to cool down completely.
  • Similarly, when the milk is almost done & the desired consistency is gotten- add in the rest half of the sugar to it, this will liquefy the consistency a bit- hence need to stir continuously until again back to the desired consistency we’re looking out for this recipe & allow this to cool down completely without fail.
  • Now, when both the boiled milk & orange juice are absolutely cooled down completely- Add in the orange zests/rinds to the milk- mix well & then, pour in the entire orange syrup to it & give it all a really good mix until nicely combined and gets a smooth & silky texture to it.
  • Time to fill in the previously prepared Orange Bowls- Garnish the way you want & refrigerate it for at least 3-4 hrs time before serving absolutely chilled.Enjoy this amazingly delectable & refreshing journey from the tree to the plates. ORANGE MALAI-RABDI BOWLS


Enjoy this as a dessert with ice cream