As we all love jamun and the ice cream can also be as delicious as raw jamun

Jamun Ice Cream

By Priyanka Modi

Apr, 21st


2 persons
Cook Time
30 minutes
5 - 7


  • 250 Ml.Amul Gold
  • 1/4 Cup Milk Powder
  • 1/4 Cup Sugar
  • 1 tbsp.GMS Powder
  • 1 tbsp.Cornflour
  • 1 Cup.Jamun (Black berry)
  • Few drops of violet colour(obt)


  • Boil milk.Add sugar. Dilute GMS powder and Cornflour in a 1/4Cup milk.Mix in a boiling milk. Stir Cont.for 6-7Min. Turn off flame.Allow it to cool.on room temp. Transfer in air tight container and keep in a freezer for 10-12 hrs. Base icecream is ready.
  • For Jamun Pulp;- WSh and rinse Jamun.And take in a pan.Add 1/2glass water.Cook for 5-10 min. Turn off flame.Allow it to cool. Remove seeds from Jamun and churn.Add 2 1tbsp.sugar. and take in a pan.Stir till reduce water. Pulp is ready.
  • Take a base icecream in a big vessel. Add milk powder and beat with electric beater.Add few drops of colour. And keep in a freezer for 1/2hr. Now mix Jamun pulp in icecream mixture.Mix it properly. And keep in a freezer for 10-12hrs. Jamun Mint leaves Jamun for garnishing Ice cream is ready.
  • Yummy tasty Jamun ice-cream is ready to Serve.Garnish with Mint leaves and Jamun.


It tastes amazing