cold coffee with ice cream

#myrecipe #sweets
By Madhu Jain

Apr, 27th


2 persons
Cook Time
15 minutes
2 - 4


  • 2 cups boiled milk and frosted milk
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tsp coffee
  • 3 ice cube


  • First of all, take coffee powder in a bowl and add 1 spoon of hot water to it and beat it well till the foam does not come. Then take the cooled milk after boiling it in a jar or a large vessel. Then put coffee in it and add sugar too. And with the help of whisk, beat it well for 3 minutes so that good foam is formed. If you want, you can also beat in a mixer jar.Now Cold Coffee is almost ready… For that, take any 1 mug / glass and with the help of spoon put chocolate syrup First of all, put ice cubes in the coffee mug and pour the coffee half full or half full. Now pour the foam first and then add 1 tbsp of vanilla ice cream and crush the chocolate. And also keep the chocolate piece at the same time.Lo ji our restaurant like cold coffee with ice cream bun is ready serve now


Don't use hot milk