Mickey Mehta
He revolutionized the world of fitness and brought about a change in the way we view health and happiness. Dr. Mickey Mehta talks to us in a freewheeling conversation, throwing light on what health, happiness, nourishment, food and nutrition really is.
“ I nourish myself with creative thoughts. ”
-Dr. Mickey Mehta
Dr. Mickey Mehta is one of the most reputed global leading health guru and corporate wellness coach. Talking to him, we could make out that he was truly calmness personified. Even on the other end of a telephone line, Dr. Mehta's composed creativity fused with the mellifluous chirping of birds, quietly reached us. “I wake up to the sunshine, the body gets nourished with sunshine, the fragrance and wonderment of nature is what fuels us all. When people ask me for diets, I tell them I eat breath for breakfast. I go outside and breathe in pure air. I nourish myself with creative thoughts and self care. The simple act of putting oil in my hair, acupressure and massages and a good night's sleep – these are the true marks of self care.” Dr. Mehta has been an avid follower of the concept that our bodies are like temples and he furthers this belief with years of experience, “Our bodies should be worshipped, regulated, cleaned and fortified. Just like how people go to temples to have wishes fulfilled, our bodies serve our purposes. When we start treating our bodies like temples, our minds also become benevolent. Just like a temple is a symbol of purity, holiness and cleanliness, we must strive to make our bodies just like that. Purity is the beginning of everything else, it allows our bodies to become radiant, to grow and to elevate. This enables us to evolve.”
Not only is Dr. Mehta a fitness guru, he is also a promoter of holistic wellness, which he believes begins by trying to heal the world. “Each human being is capable of healing the world around him/herself. Each night, if we sleep with the thought that we want to heal the world to the best of our abilities, that is what good health is. It is not very difficult to spread joy and heal people, sometimes a warm hug, holding hands, lending a ear – all counts as healing. Even flowers have healing abilities – just by merely existing! You are human beings and you are capable of much more!”
Shedding some light on the path our world is heading towards, with fitness enthusiasts lining up for their share of extreme diets and workouts. “Trainers today have become accountants, they calculate your food. Pasta will not heal you, despite its calorie count. Wholesome, ethical, regional seasonal food will heal you. Focus on fruits, vegetables, sprouts – focus on the fortification of your body. Foods that fuel your bodies and give it vitality, those will heal you. Nutritionists today have gotten so lost in this matrix; they don't show pay attention to real foods. When you choose a trainer for yourself, invest in someone who is a 'master'- someone who will replace fear with faith and help you perceive the truth. Someone who knows how to convince you do get out of your comfort zone. Pick someone who you know will lift you as a human being, help you map your meditation, someone who will help you nourish, flourish and cherish in the wonderment and epistemology of the universe. Choose someone who will incline you towards the right path and awaken you.
As far as foods and diets are concerned, Dr. Mehta truly trusts in nature and its offerings. “Pomegranates, dates, walnuts, sesame and other seeds, beets, nuts and seasonal fruits are all foods of God. What you eat must be grown in abundance and should have soaked sunshine. The food you eat should have been grown over a period of time, it should have witnessed the planetary movements. This is where nourishment is given. As far as tastes go, taste is perception. What you grow up eating, what you have known since birth – that is your taste. If you feed a baby mud everyday, that child will grow up to think that mud is tasty. Tastes can be programed. Take, for example, a child who has grown up smelling a gutter. If this is done everyday, the child will grow up to like that smell, his/her nostrils will grow accustomed to the smell and it won't be unpleasant then. So program and train your body into liking the good stuff. Acquire the taste of foods that draw you, foods that you gravitate towards. Lychees, mangoes – there are no matches for these foods.”
Dr. Mehta sheds more light on the topic of food and the science of eating, “Indian food science tells us to incorporate the following tastes in our diet – sweet, sour, salty, spicy, astringent and bitter. This forms our nourishment spectrum. Eat according to your body's vatta and pita levels to fulfill your body's nourishment needs. Always remember, food should be made not cooked.”
Dr. Mehta has also turned towards writing books, spreading his knowledge, wisdom and beliefs to a larger audience, through quality literature. One of his more recent offerings is “The Shoonyam Quotient”, wherein Dr. Mehta talks about the power of zero. “Zero means empty, but empty also means endless potential. In Sanskrit, Shoonyam means that which gives rise to many universes. But not just in India, the power of zero, of emptiness has been harboured by a lot of culutres. Take for example Feng Shui, which considers the bamboo plant as auspicious. Bamboos are hollow from within – hollowness is full of creative potential, it is where the confluence of polarities meet and the mind gives rise to matter. “The Shoonyam Quotient” gives rise to evolution. When you are always centered, you can be in a meditative state of mind. I have written this book because I believe that The “ Shoonyam Quotient is healing and ” transforming and it can free you from your problems.” While The Shoonyam “ Quotient talks greatly of the spiritual self ” and aides a person into reveling and revealing in his/her higher identity, Dr. Mehta's latest work of literature is for the masses. “I wrote 'Lose Weight Gain Shape' to list out a healthy, step-by-step process which enables you to lose 6-8 kilos within a month. It talks about a mindful eating experience supported by healing mantras and positive outlook.”
Dr. Mickey Mehta is an author, a poet, a philosopher he is a brand and an institution himself and he is here to get us Energized, Naturalized, Optimized, Maximized, Wellness Revolutionized and get us MICKEYMIZED with his brilliant !!! Philosophies!
Dr. Mickey Mehta's 10 commandments
1. Breathe in Creativity
2. Stretch Beyond The Sky
3. Walk Towards Progress
4. Move In Awareness
5. Reach Out To All
6. Grip Life – Be In Charge
7. Stabilize – Be Balanced
8. Strengthen Your Core & Confidence
9. Be Calm & Synchronized
10. Meditate With The Universe