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FSSAI notice on RAFT kit to improve cheap real-time food testing

According to the notice, the applicants should submit separate applications for each kit, equipment, or method. Each application should be accompanied by separate application processing fee Rs.2000 and 18% GST for approval of a single rapid food testing kit, equipment or method in a single application form.

Teff is gaining popularity as the new superfood

Teff is a species of lovegrass native to horn of Africa. It is slightly grainy and adds a crunch to any recipe. Teff grain is high in iron content and other minerals such as calcium, copper, and zinc compared to other cereal grains consumed as whole grain flours, such as wheat, maise, barley, and sorghum.

American woman mocks British food trends

Jessica Rose shifted to Birmingham from California 10 years ago and shared a thread of things she finds weird in the country and shared it on Twitter. She mentioned three weird food things- 1. Beans on toast 2. Fish sticks in sandwiches 3. People relate bad dreams with eating cheese before going to bed.

The food intake patterns are partly under genetic control

Researchers can study the quality of an individual's typical diet by using a type of analysis called 'dietary indices'. The identical twin pairs were more likely to have similar scores across nine dietary indices than non-identical twin pairs.

Priyanka Chopra shares the favourite Indian food of Nick Jonas

Priyanka shared that Nick’s favourite Indian food is any kind of paneer. When she was asked which Indian food she missed, her reply was, “Well, my favourite Indian food is homemade Indian food. I just love roti, dal, you know the everyday stuff that I miss tremendously."

Little moon has become an internet sensation

Little Moons, a Japanese sweet snack, is all the rage these days. It is an age-old Japanese dessert that became known to the rest of the world now. It is a round ball made with ice cream and mochi, a traditional Japanese steamed rice cake. Mochi is usually made with rice mixed with sugar and cornstarch.

First Igloo Cafe in India opened in Kashmir

Kashmir has now become an internet sensation because of the newly opened Igloo Cafe. The Igloo cafe features tables made of ice and snow, with hot food served for visitors and customers.

Many households are going back to the traditional cookware for health benefits

Kaviya Maria Cherian’s grandmother, Anna Thomas, a septuagenarian cooks in traditional cookware only like earthenware pots, soapstone vessels, metal cloche utensils, and cast iron tawas and stoves at home in Thiruvalla, Kerala. Kaviya runs Green Heirloom, an online store, that sells traditional cookware from all over India.