The Amazing Health Benefits of Walnut

Walnut has optimal health benefits and you’ll get to know its various reasons to add it in your diet now.

Walnut tree originated from Western Europe in Gaul, a region which now encompasses Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Italy, and Switzerland. Its name is derived from Old English and mean foreign nut. 

Walnut tree is sought after for its nut as well as its timber because of its sturdiness, colour and the quality of wood.

Walnut is a symbol of wisdom, knowledge, intelligence and it also resembles the brain. The husks and leaves of walnut are bitter and so can be used to treat worm infestations. Its leaves have laxative, astringent and detergent properties that can be used to treat skin diseases like eczema, colic, skin wounds, fever and chills, toothache and decay. 

From 500 AD to the 18th century, Europeans used walnuts to produce inexpensive but nutritious milk, which was a household staple.

Fun facts about walnut:

1. Walnut is a seed of drupaceous nut and not a botanical nut. 

2. Walnuts were traded through the Silk route between Asia and the Middle East. 

3. The Romans called walnuts Juglans regia, meaning “Jupiter’s royal acorn.”

4. Early history predicts that walnuts came from ancient Persia, where they were reserved for royalty. Thus, most often, walnut is referred to as “Persian Walnut.” 

5. Walnuts are the oldest tree known to mankind, dating back to 7000 B.C.

The health benefits of Walnut:

1. Rich source of Omega 3:

Omega-3 from the plant is called alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is an essential fat that we need to get from our diet. 

Walnuts are high in omega-3 fat than any other nut and reduce the risk of heart disease. 

2. Can decrease inflammation:

Inflammation can cause many diseases like heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s and cancer. Walnuts have polyphenols which help fight oxidative stress and inflammation.

Omega-3 fat, magnesium and amino acid present in walnuts also can decrease inflammation. 

3. Promotes a healthy gut:

Walnuts can increase the health-promoting bacteria and other microbes that are essential to have a healthy gut and overall good health.

A study conducted on 194 healthy adults where they ate 43 grams of walnut everyday for eight weeks showed that they had an increase in the beneficial bacteria. It increased the bacteria that produce butyrate, a fat that nurtures the gut.

4. Helps in healthy ageing:

As we age, it affects our bodily functions and mobility, but healthy eating habits help maintain our physical abilities. 

In an observational study over 18 years in more than 50,000 women, scientists concluded that the women with the healthiest diets were 13% less prone to physical immobility. Walnuts were included in the diets of these women and made a contribution to their health.

5. May reduce the risk of some cancers:

Human observational studies and test-tube studies have shown that eating walnuts have reduced the risk of some cancers like breast, prostate and colorectal cancers. 

Walnuts are rich in polyphenol ellagitannins which can be converted to urolithins with the help of certain microbes. 

Urolithins have anti-inflammatory properties and have hormone-like properties that enable to block hormone receptors in our body. Due to this function, the risk of hormone-related cancers like breast and prostate cancers can be reduced. 

6. Supports good cognitive function:

The nutrients in walnuts, including polyunsaturated fat, polyphenols and vitamin E, may help reduce oxidative damage and inflammation in our brain. 

Studies conducted on older adults showed that eating walnuts led to better cognitive function, faster processing speed and improvement in memory.

7. Beneficial for male reproductive health:

The diet consisting of processed foods, sugar and refined grains is associated with reduced sperm function. 

When 117 young men ate 75 grams walnuts everyday for three months, it improved sperm shape, vitality, and mobility compared to men not eating walnuts.

8. May lower blood pressure:

Some studies suggest that eating walnuts helps lower blood pressure, including people with high blood pressure and healthy people under stress.

9. Aides in weight control:

Eating walnuts can reduce your appetite. This was proved when a study conducted on 10 obese people who were given a smoothie with 48 grams of walnuts once in five days decreased their hunger. 

After five days of consuming walnut smoothie, brain scans showed that a region in the participants’ brain was activated that helped them resist tempting food like cake or french fries. 

10. Helps manage type 2 diabetes:

Excess weight increases the risk of diabetes and blood sugar, but eating walnuts can help reduce the risk of contracting such diseases because of its weight regulating property. 

100 people with types 2 diabetes were given 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed walnut oil daily for 3 months with their usual diabetes medication and a balanced diet. This resulted in 8% decrease in fasting blood sugar. 

You can include walnuts in your diet as a snack, sprinkle it on your salad, add in your dips or sauces, chop and add in your wraps, pasta or sandwich.

The rich nutrient profile of this seed contributes to having various health benefits and preventing the risk of many chronic diseases.