Peas-The New Age Protein Messiah

Peas-The New Age Protein Messiah

If you have taken green peas for granted, now is the time to recognise it’s worth as they are loaded with nutrients. Read the blog to find its various health benefits. 

Do you feel that peas are only a tiny and humble vegetable? You don’t want to doubt the health benefits of this tiny bead sized vegetable. Peas are a part of the bean family or the pulse family whose scientific name is Fabaceae.

Peas are categorised in the legumes group. Legumes are plants that produce pods with seeds inside. Some examples of legumes are Chickpeas, lentils, soybeans and all other types of beans.

Peas contribute delicious taste to some of our beloved dishes like matar paneer, matar mushroom, and hara bhara kebabs. But we have never given this tiny pea its due credit (how bad would it feel!) 

It is full of essential vitamins and antioxidants like vitamin K, C and folate. It also contains manganese and fibre. Who would have thought that green peas would hold such an amount of nutritional value!

Typically there are three types of edible green peas:

1. Garden or green peas:

Garden or green peas are sweet and starchy with each pod containing several peas. It is used in preparing dishes like aloo mattar, paneer mattar and more.

2. Snow peas:

This pea is eaten whole with pods and seeds. It is a pod pea with flat pods and thin pod walls. Snow peas are widely used in making salads or stir-fry vegetables.

3. Snap peas:

Also known as sugar snap pea, these are contrasting to snow peas as they have rounded pods with thick pod walls. Vatanyacha Phadna is a simple Maharashtrian dish which is a stir fry of snap peas and enjoyed in Maharashtra when this vegetable is in full bloom.

Even though snow peas and snap peas are from the same family their nutritional value differs slightly from green peas. 

Apart from green peas, there are other varieties of peas like yellow peas, black-eyed peas and purple peas. Among all these varieties, green peas are consumed the most.

Let’s have a look at the various health benefits this legume offers:

1. They are an excellent source of protein:

As they have a good amount of protein is the reason why they are filling. Having protein in your diet releases hormones that control your appetite and give a feeling of being full. 

It is also a good choice for people who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. But it’s to be noted that it will not provide a complete source of protein as it lacks amino acid methionine.

It also promotes muscle and bone strength due to the protein it contains and is also beneficial in managing weight. 

2. Promotes better digestive health:

Peas have a nutrient called coumestrol, which plays a role in protecting against stomach cancer. As it has rich fibre content peas can reduce the risk of some common gastrointestinal conditions like an inflammatory bowel movement, irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer.

As peas are insoluble and don’t blend with water, it functions as a bulking agent in the digestive tract. Meaning, it helps the waste pass more quickly through the digestive system. 

3. Better heart health:

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids found in peas can reduce oxidation and prevent plaque formation along the blood vessels.

Because of its high fibre content, it may be helpful in lowering bad cholesterol levels. The content of antioxidants, flavonols, carotenoids, and vitamin C can reduce heart disease and stroke and prevent cells from damage. 

Minerals like magnesium and potassium present in it can help reduce high blood pressure. 

4. Helps in maintaining eye health:

Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin present in peas protect the eyes against chronic diseases like cataract and age-related macular degeneration. 

As lutein and zeaxanthin protect the eyes against the harmful blue light, they can prevent the eyes from cataract and macular degeneration. 

5. Support in blood sugar control:

They have a low glycemic index (GI) which helps regulate blood sugar levels. Including peas in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes can stabilise the blood sugar levels in those individuals.

The protein and fibre in green peas can slow the breakdown of carbohydrates and helps in controlling the blood sugar levels.

6. Can prevent cancer:

Green peas contain saponins, a plant compound that has anti-cancer effects and can suppress tumour growth.

The vitamin K content in this legume has the ability to lower the risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer. 

7. Beneficial for skin:

Vitamin C in peas produces collagen, which helps the skin to glow and be firm. It also protects against free radicals. The antioxidants like catechin, flavonoids, epicatechin, alpha-carotene and carotenoid help protect skin from ageing. 

8. Peas build the immune system:

Peas have antioxidants which are essential for building the immune system. Anti-inflammatory nutrients in peas help reduce inflammatory diseases like diabetes, heart ailments and arthritis. Vitamin A & B, coumestrol, catechin, Pisumsaponins I and II, Pisomosides A and B, are some of the vitamins and nutrients that help reduce inflammation. 

Peas can be rightly called as The New Age Protein Messiah and you can include peas in your diet by adding them in any dish, sandwiches or soups.