Kitchen Safety and Hygiene
Kitchens are the heart of a household. A slight carelessness in maintaining kitchen hygiene may attract cockroaches and rats which in turn may lead to the family succumbing to food-borne diseases like stomach infection, food poisoning, et al.
Maintaining proper kitchen hygiene doesn’t only entail keeping your worktop spic-and- span…there’s a lot more involved.
Moreover, carelessness and haste in the kitchen may also lead to fatal accidents
Here are some dos and don’ts to ensure kitchen safety and hygiene -
- Cook when you are sick
- Wipe off perspiration with your bare hands
- Sneeze into food
- Scratch your body while cooking/serving
- Clean your ears with your fingers
- Rush around in the kitchen – this will prevent unnecessary messes or accidents
- Leave gas and electric appliances unattended
- Keep your finger nails short and clean
- Use different chopping boards and knives for cooked and raw food
- Work on a clean surface
- Wash hands frequently and thoroughly with soap
- Keep your hair tied up
- Turn off the gas when not using the stove
- Store dangerous (sharp or hot) objects safely
- Use equipment and utensils in line with their intended purpose
- Place a first aid kit and fire extinguisher within reach
- Regularly sanitize all the kitchen rags - scrubbers, mitten, aprons, and counter wipe
- Soak vegetables and fruits in salt water for about half-an-hour before consumption; and then wash them in running water prior to cutting them
- Clean the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator once a week
- Ensure there is always ample space available in the refrigerator for air to circulate
Follow these pointers and you’ll be able to keep your kitchen and food safe and hygienic.