When it comes to food nothing can beat home-cooked as not only does it hold multiple pluses for the consumer but it garners appreciation for the person preparing the same too!
Across the globe ordering food from food delivery platforms, restaurant takeaways and buying processed food from the market is the new in-thing. Not only is it an easy way out for families where both the partners are working; but it also provides one with a wider choice of food. But is store/restaurant bought food actually good in the long run?
Well sorry, folks for being so brutally blunt but when it comes to the economics; portion control; health and nutrition; and bonding … home-cooked food wins hands down! Pray how you may well ask? Relax Foodism brings you a lowdown on the pluses of home-cooked food to help you make a well-informed decision -
Money Saver
Now this one’s for those who track their spending closely! Eating homemade food is usually much cheaper than eating at a restaurant or buying processed foods from the market. Why? Elementary dear Watson! When we eat at a restaurant, we pay not only for the food but also for the costs of running that business. The lights, the water, the building, and the staff — in addition to the meal we are eating. The same goes for the pre-made or frozen meals at swanky grocery stores.
Here’s sharing some tips for saving more money on home-cooked food -
Time Saver
Zapped? Well on the surface level grabbing something to eat at the local supermarket or driving to get takeaway at the closest restaurant might be a quick solution when you’re in a hurry. But the ground reality is starkly different! Many times it is much faster to cook something at home, especially when you plan ahead as there are umpteen meals that can be prepared in less than 30 minutes.
Healthy and Nutritious
Many commercially prepared foods are high in fat, salt, and sugar. When we prepare our own food, we know exactly what is going in and how much of each nutrient is adding value to our food; and as we are in control we have the liberty to replace unhealthy ingredients with their healthy counterparts.
Taking Care of Food Allergies and Sensitivities
Preparing your food at home is especially beneficial for those households who have a family member with a food allergy. Because you are in control of your own kitchen, you can reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.
Portion Control
With restaurants and fast food joints offering ‘live life king-size’ portions; and with our stomach greedily gobbling down everything placed before it one can just fathom the havoc this would create with our systems and sizes! But the control factor again comes to the fore in home-cooked food allowing you to regulate the amount of food served for dinner.
Creates a Bond
Involving your family in food preparation by asking them to read the recipe out loud or mix ingredients or lay the dining table or take out cutlery and ingredients from the cupboard is a fun thing to do making the entire cooking exercise a bonding experience.
So the next time you feel tempted to pick up the phone and order takeaways … try checking your pantry and whipping up something equally yummilicious!