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Boost Your Immunity with these Herbs!

With the pleasant and beautiful winter season also comes the not-so-pleasant possibility of catching a cold and also, nowadays, covid. It is extremely important to build your immunity while this period when your immune system is vulnerable. Fortunately, India is well-versed in Ayurvedic science and we know all our medicinal hacks that require winter herbs. Today we have compiled them for you, Let’s get started!

Liquorice (Mulethi):

For centuries mulethi or liquorice has been in use. It is a wonder herb that treats asthma and respiratory tract diseases, improves digestion, and boosts immunity to help the body fight against winter diseases. This herb has anti-inflammatory properties and also cures skin problems. The root of this plant is available in powder form that can be consumed with honey and ghee and that will provide great health in the winter season.

Mint (Pudina):

Mint is a common herb found in almost all Indian households. A handful of mint leaves are plucked and chopped for garnishing various food types. The leaves are used to make sauce or chutney to be served with fritters. The leaves are also used to make tea. The presence of vitamin A and antioxidants make mint a fabulous herb for treating cold and related ailments. They also prevent indigestion and irritable bowel system. Mint consumption also heals asthma, cures headache, and reduces stress.


There is a reason why nature makes coriander so abundantly available in winters. The herb is added in almost everything we cook in winters, from soups and salads to bakes and curries. It is a rich source of vitamin C and though not exactly warming in nature, it increases the body's immunity and helps file against season induced ailments.


Fresh and dried rosemary is popular as an addition to many culinary creations. Researches have proved rosemary's ability to help fight allergy symptoms and provide relief to asthma sufferers. The herb contains rosmarinic acid which has both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.


It is a unique herb that has been used as an alternative medicine since ancient times. The magical herb controls diabetes, cholesterol, inflammation, appetite, weight, heartburn, improves testosterone levels, breastmilk production. Have methi water, methi in curry, or sprouted methi- any form will work wonders for your health.

Stay tuned for recipes to incorporate these herbs into your diet!